How Jumia earned the position as the African Amazon in just 4 years


Created in 2012 in Nigeria by Sacha Poignonnec and Jérémy Hodara, Jumia was able to become the ecommerce leader in Africa in just 4 years. With record growth, it has seen sales multiplied by 5 in the last two years. Today, Jumia is active in 12 African countries, employees 1800 people and has delivered over 1.6 million orders in 2015.

This exceptional growth has attracted some of the biggest investors worldwide; Africa Internet Group, Jumia’s parent company, has raised $300 million [...]

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99designs & Internationalisation: What We Can Learn


99designs shares their journey of going from a ‘small Aussie company’ to an international marketplace, and everything they learned along the way.


The Importance of Expansion

Today, internationalisation is more important than ever because we are engaged in a global marketplace. As of November 2015, over 3.36 billion people have access to the Internet; this is equivalent to over 46% of the world’s population. Consequently, it is now relatively easy to reach customers on the other side of the world.

While it is [...]

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