10 e-commerce KPIs to track 👀


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are an essential part of any effective e-commerce strategy. Not sure what they are? Then read on! E-commerce KPIs give you trustworthy statistics and figures you can use to build your strategy and drive your online sales. Discover the 10 e-commerce KPIs to track. But first, make sure you know what they are! 👀

What is an e-commerce KPI?

KPIs means Key Performance Indicators. These highlight your e-commerce website’s strengths and weaknesses.

Without them, it would be hard [...]

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How to find the right keywords for different countries


As we explained in our article about the unique features of web translation, an English person may well use different keywords in an online search compared to, say, a German speaker. This is why businesses have everything to gain from finding the right keywords for different countries. Use the same terms as users do, and you’re ten times more likely to appear at the top of search engine results pages. Want to know more? Then keep reading…

Why identify keywords for [...]

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3 Key Strategies for Getting Buy-In for Localization


Localization managers play a central role in positioning localization as a key business strategy. Here’s how to secure buy-in from all stakeholders.

Just like a machine needs oil to run smoothly, so does each department within a company need processes to function efficiently. Processes keep things ticking along and ensure that products and services meet customer expectations, quality standards, and timeframes. However, when a machine is only one of many moving parts in a complex system, even the best-oiled machine will [...]

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5 Translation Tips for Marketing Managers to Grow your eCommerce Platform


Growing an eCommerce platform as a marketing manager via translation is far from easy. Where do you start? Hiring? Managing? Getting the right tools? We understand all of this can be overwhelming, so, here are 5 translation tips to get you started!

1: Start With App/Website Internationalization First

The code of websites and apps need to be adjusted for internationalization before you start translating them. Otherwise, you’ll either break the platform later on, or you won’t be able to translate it at [...]

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The outlook regarding eCommerce law in 2021


This is a guest article by Sandra May, Legal Content Team leader at the Händlerbund, on the topic of eCommerce law in 2021.

2021 is set to be very exciting for eCommerce, from both a legal and a political perspective. Alongside several laws that are set to be amended this year, the way is also being paved for 2022. However, let us first take a look back at 2020:

So, that was (the eCommerce legal situation in) 2020!

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