Website localisation: tips for a homepage that is successful on a global scale



If your company expands and becomes internationally active, the localisation of your website will be next on the agenda. There is much more to be taken into consideration here than just the linguistic adaptation. Pay attention to key factors and create a good international website and homepage by heeding the following tips.

Complete localisation of the website

When converting your content into another language, a natural and appropriate translation merely provides a basis. Beyond this, the comprehensiveness of the localisation is [...]

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5 ways technology can help create content with more marketing impact


Bill Gates was the first to say it, and today everyone agrees: “Content is king.” These days, establishing a content marketing strategy is an obvious step for many business. The benefits of content marketing are proven: it adds a certain weight to the name and legitimacy of a company within its industry.

However, when you’re growing your business within new markets it isn’t always easy to optimise your content marketing internationally. In this article, discover 5 ways [...]

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What are the main challenges for crossborder ecommerce?


Advancements in technology have played a huge role in crossborder e-commerce growth. Recent technology advancements have:

Streamlined logistics Made payments more secure Created payment method alternatives (PayPal, Stripe, Sofort, iDeal) Sped up the checkout process (one-click payment) Provided the tools to quickly adapt product offering and marketing communications to customers by region

But while the online cross-border figures remain promising, there are several obstacles that businesses must overcome in order to conquer new markets. These challenges include both internal and external issues.

1. External Challenges


There are roughly [...]

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With new challenges and new concerns, how do you build an international marketing strategy?


The Rencontres Internationales du Marketing B2B (“International B2B Marketing Forum”) took place on October 25 at Business France as part of the La French Tech event series. This year the forum was organized by Aressy, Companeo, C-Radar, GetQuanty, Newslead, Stein IAS and TBMS.

Several speakers were on hand to share their experiences, advice and predictions about future trends in the field. Here are the key learnings from the keynote addresses and round tables:

1. If you are [...]

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Tips on the top 7 factors for improving conversion rates


For online merchants, no value has more significance than the conversion rate. Whether you’re sitting down with colleagues or investors, negotiating with service providers, or attending a conference or expo, this magical percentage is a currency all on its own. It is, in other words, one of the basics of e-commerce. Yet merchants continue to unwittingly suffer losses in sales because they fail to take certain factors into consideration. What are the leading conversion killers in e-commerce? That is the [...]

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