Does automatic translation mean the end for human translators?


It can be very difficult to see the difference between all current technologies, particularly if you are unfamiliar with the world of translation. What does the future hold for professional translators in a world where the current buzzwords are “big data” and “artificial intelligence”? In this article, we’re going to demystify the concept of automatic translation tools.

The advantages of automatic translation

Automatic translation technologies have greatly improved, particularly thanks to deep learning (an automatic learning [...]

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5 Things to Remember When Localizing Video Subtitles


A note from the TextMaster Team: This is the second part of our series with Transifex on how to localization. For the first post on software localization, click here.

Video usage is growing faster than almost any other type of content on the internet. Why? Because it is engaging and entertaining, and because people learn better through storytelling. That’s what video is – a visual way to tell your story.

If you also consider [...]

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