From Multi-channel to Omni-channel: where do we stand in Europe?


In mature markets like the United Kingdom, consumer habits are increasingly diverse. Brands trying to hold on to their market share and attract more new customers face a host of challenges. While certain brands settle for multiplying customer contact points, others have taken it a step further by making the various channels work together (a cross-channel strategy). But today, the way to get the upper hand over the competition is to hold the consumer and their experience at the heart of your model by using an effective omni-channel strategy.

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Payment management on an international e-commerce site


The European e-commerce markets share many similarities as well as numerous differences. Companies hoping to develop their online sales in several European countries find themselves confronted by a variety of challenges. Technical questions such as the formation of an international SEO strategy all too often remain unanswered. Here is our advice for efficiently managing the different currencies and payment methods on your international e-commerce site.

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5 Tips for Successfully Expanding Your Business into Germany


It’s no secret that German exports are highly sought after. But Germany imports products too! France is Germany’s 2nd biggest supplier, followed by the Netherlands. Germany is actually an important export market for many of its European neighbors. There are lots of reasons to expand your business into Germany.

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International Success of Startups Worldwide


There are thousands of new businesses created each year all over the world. While lots of them don’t make it in the long run, there are some beautiful success stories that we can learn from. Let’s take a quick look at how ambitious startups handle their internationalization!

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3 tips for a successful international SEO strategy


These days, an international SEO strategy is vital if you want to drive traffic to your site at the lowest possible cost and boost your international sales. While technical considerations should not be ignored, the main challenges now lie in producing content adapted to the local culture of your target market. We offer three tips to help you build an effective localized SEO strategy that will bear fruit across the world.

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