How to facilitate the translation of your video subtitles


The statistics speak for themselves: videos have become the preferred communication channel between companies and consumers:

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#ChooseFrance: what are countries doing to attract foreign investment?


Ahead of the Davos Forum, a few days ago in Versailles, the “Choose France Summit” took place. This was an opportunity for French president Emmanuel Macron to meet the heads of various multinationals and promote “Made in France”.

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4 tips for quick website translation


So your website has been translated into English, surely now you can reach consumers worldwide? Big Mistake: almost 75% of people using the Internet don’t speak English. Spanish, German, Mandarin, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch… on the Internet language is the only barrier that still exists. Translating your website into several languages is therefore essential and it isn’t to be taken lightly.

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PIM: the essential tool to deploy your e-commerce internationally


With the growth of online sales channels and the easing of restrictive regulations, retailers are facing less barriers than ever to sell abroad, especially in the European Union. Still, you must seem to be as local as possible in order to effectively address an international audience. To do this, you’ll need to manage your product information in the most efficient way. Find out in this article why using a PIM (a Product Information Management System) allows you to optimize how you handle your product information during your international deployment!

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What are the main challenges for crossborder ecommerce?


Advancements in technology have played a huge role in crossborder e-commerce growth. Recent technology advancements have:

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