8 e-commerce brand loyalty strategies


So, you’ve just launched your e-commerce website and you’re pretty pleased with the result. Better still, you’ve just processed your first online sale. Congratulations! What’s your next step? Ensuring your customers return for more purchases and avoid them buying from a marketplace or competitor website. Give these 8 e-commerce brand loyalty strategies a try!

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4 SEO tips to help you optimise your e-commerce website product pages


Of all the sections making up your website, the product pages are the most important. The most common mistake marketers make with their e-commerce websites is that of either neglecting the product page entirely or simply copying and pasting the product description provided by the manufacturer.

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5 Translation Tips for Marketing Managers to Grow your eCommerce Platform


Growing an eCommerce platform as a marketing manager via translation is far from easy. Where do you start? Hiring? Managing? Getting the right tools? We understand all of this can be overwhelming, so, here are 5 translation tips to get you started!

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How can I increase my ecommerce website’s sales using a multilingual translation strategy?


A successful multilingual translation strategy can help your ecommerce sales grow organically across borders.

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Ecommerce trends: 5 types of consumer behaviour every manager should know


Ecommerce retailers and online store managers need to be creative to encourage revenue growth. All e-marketing specialists pursue the same objective: they seek to arouse the user’s curiosity so that they will make a purchase. Let’s take a look at the 5 types of consumer behaviour that every manager should know!

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