8 Tips to Help You Build Your International Development Strategy: Part 1


Internationalising your business is one of the most effective ways of leveraging growth. When carried out in a carefully managed manner, it enables you to avoid stagnating revenues and increase the company’s legitimacy within its business sector.

Though the process has obviously now been made easier by globalisation and new technologies, international development does still require a well-structured strategy from the outset. Discover our eight tips to help you build your international development strategy!

1.Surround yourself with the right kind of support

There [...]

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Does Your Translation Strategy Match Your International Ambitions?


European trade is continuing to grow. Concepts like the single digital market are starting to take shape and consumers differentiate less and less between their country of origin and where they purchase their goods. Recently, a study published by Pitney Bowes showed that around 70% of consumers had already purchased something from a foreign website. However 55% of clients won’t buy anything if the site isn’t available in their native language.

So any business struggling to obtain the same [...]

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How to facilitate the translation of your video subtitles


The statistics speak for themselves: videos have become the preferred communication channel between companies and consumers:

Each day, 100 million internet users will watch a video online By 2019, 80% of internet traffic will be linked to video 1/3 of all online activity is dedicated to watching video content.

Of course, unless you are Taylor Swift or Barack Obama, simply posting a video is no automatic guarantee that it will be seen by millions [...]

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4 tips for quick website translation


So your website has been translated into English, surely now you can reach consumers worldwide? Big Mistake: almost 75% of people using the Internet don’t speak English. Spanish, German, Mandarin, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch… on the Internet language is the only barrier that still exists. Translating your website into several languages is therefore essential and it isn’t to be taken lightly.

Read on to find out our best advice for quick website translation (whilst still maintaining quality obviously!)

1. [...]

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PIM: the essential tool to deploy your e-commerce internationally


With the growth of online sales channels and the easing of restrictive regulations, retailers are facing less barriers than ever to sell abroad, especially in the European Union. Still, you must seem to be as local as possible in order to effectively address an international audience. To do this, you’ll need to manage your product information in the most efficient way. Find out in this article why using a PIM (a Product Information Management System) allows [...]

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